Tuesday, May 8, 2012

not just national, international and universal

Do you like different nations? Do you love chili? Then you should be a part of the International Chili Society!

You didn't know it existed? OF COURSE IT DOES!

Chili is so good that chili-lovers HAD to make a society.

It started out as the National Chili Society, but when the Cayman Islands heard about it, they needed to get in on the action.

So it went international.

Lucky for me I have the inside scoop. My chili man, Mario, keeps me informed of all things chilified.

I also have a salsa guy, a Lego gal, and a blueberry otter.

I like chili a lot, though. So I went bigger. I'm part of the UNIVERSAL Chili Society!

You haven't had chili until you've tasted it from Kepler-20 e. That place knows HOT! (Literally. Look it up.)

Actually, since there isn't really a Universal Chili Society (because I just made it up), I have decided that I will be King Chili Master of the Universe.

By the power of Chili-Skull! I have the capsicum!!!!!!!

I also like chili-cheese fries. So good.

I'm off to talk to my otter.

Enjoy Everything.


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