Friday, October 12, 2012

all's well that intermissions well

Last night was awesome. AWE-SOME.

I totally got my Shakespeare on at the movies. See, there's this theatre in London, the Globe Shakespeare Theatre, that is pretty famous for putting on Shakespeare plays. Cuz it's in their name.

Anywhoozle, they filmed a performance of "All's Well That Ends Well" recently and played it at movie theaters across America. (I did the "theater" and "theatre" thing to avoid confusion for movies and playsies. Your welcome.)

It was really good. I don't know if you dig the Shakespeare, but it's iambically delicious. I put on my Shakespeare foam finger that says "Go To, Go To!" and got my "Let the prose handle it" t-shirt on and went to the movies!

There was ONE other person there. That's it! To make him feel less lonely, I decided to sit right next to him. He must not have liked his seat because he moved right after I sat down.


The first act was done and the lights came up and I looked at the guy and was, like, "Do we get an intermission just like at a real play?"

I asked the very friendly movie employees (who were awesome) and they told me the intermission was real. REAL AND AMAZING!

It was one of the greatest moments of my life. I got up. Went potty. Got some extra snacks. Did a few push-ups. Caught up on texts. Wrote a few tweets. Stretched my calves. Then got back for the second act with plenty of time!

Now, every time I go to a movie, I'm going to request an intermission about half-way through. I'm sure they'll accommodate my needs.

If you haven't experienced this yet, you should ask for it at your next movie adventure. You'll love it. Once you go intermission, you never go full session. (I can rhyme just like Shakespeare!)

I'm off to intermission my life.

Enjoy Everything.


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