Thursday, November 7, 2013

octopi are not irrational

Did you get the math joke there? Funny, right? I know. I’ll give you a minute to catch your breath after laughing so hard.

Ready? Good. NOW WATCH OUT! Octopi (or octopuses) are going to get you! More and more research on octopuses is telling us that these cephalopods are smarter than you think and might be planning a worldwide invasion.

Well, they don’t have proof of that yet, but it could be true!

There have been lots of studies that are telling us that octopi are very intelligent. They can build shelters and go through mazes and sometimes even break out of their aquariums to sneak into OTHER aquariums to get food!

You know what else does that? Human children. How do I know? I did it when I was a toddler. There was no food in my room, so I broke out and went to the stash in the fridge.

In Britain, there is even a law saying that octopuses are “honorary vertebrates.” This gives them protection that other invertebrates don’t get when it comes to scientific research.

Though, I kinda feel badly for invertebrates now.

I totally need a pet octopus. How awesome would that be! If I needed food, it could sneak out and steal it from other aquariums! (I’m hoping my neighbors keep cake in their aquariums.)

Should we worry about octopi taking over the world? Yes. They’re like ninjas. Eight-limbed, ink-shooting ninjas.

THAT is something you don’t want to fight on a Tuesday.

I’m off to apply for an honorary vertebrate license.

Enjoy Everything.


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