Monday, December 2, 2013

black holes and time warps

I have a lot of clocks. Because I sometimes get confused as to when I am. That's normal, right? I mean, I have a very crazy schedule, so it's hard to know if I'm supposed to be somewhere or not. And I make sure all my clocks are in 24-hour time so I know if it's morning or night.

Trust me, on my schedule, in the winter, if you looked at the clock and it said 5:00, you wouldn't know if you had to get to work or eat dinner. Sometimes I do both. Twice a day. Maybe a third if 5:00 comes up again. It's very wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey.

Some of these clocks set themselves automatically, but others require the expert manipulations of a time traveler like me. BUT, one of these manual setters changed on its own!

How mean is that?! It was ahead by 17 minutes! 17! When I'm rushing around thinking I'm 17 minutes later than I actually am, my brain literally explodes a little bit!

I looked at one clock, before I knew it was correct, and wondered if that one fell 17 minutes behind, so I confirmed the actual time by checking three other clocks. I'm a scientist. I'm not one to just trust gut feelings.

You'll be happy to know I was able to relax and get to work at the correct time. But really, that was just mean to change one clock. I have no idea how it could have happened.

Well, I have a few ideas. Eight of them involve eagles. Six involve leafy vegetables. But I don't think those are correct. After what happened last time.

Also, suspiciously, the clock is sitting on a book called "Black Holes and Time Warps." I think I thought I was being clever by putting Kip's book under the clock. Clearly, Kip put more than just words about time warps in his book. He put ACTUAL time warps in there!

How else can you explain what happened?! I have a book that, when sat upon, you can travel through time!

I haven't touched the book since this happened. I'm afraid I'll end up 17 minutes in my future. Or past. And if I bump into myself, everything in existence could implode.

Or there could just be two of me standing in a room. Which is slightly scarier.

I'm off to warp time.

Enjoy Everything.


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