Tuesday, April 22, 2014

the justice leaf

Plants are amazing. Just look at them! They’re so cool! And science wants to make them even cooler! With carbon nanotubes!

They decided to try making super plants by adding carbon nanotubes to the chloroplasts of the plants. Once they were able to get the nanotubes in there, the plants increased their photosynthetic activity by 30%!

Usually the leaves reflect a lot of green light. That’s why they are green. For some reason, the nanotubes seem to allow some of that light to be absorbed by the plant.

And that’s just the beginning! If they can start making these plants with magnetic particles, they could make plants into tiny communications antennae! Got a bad cell signal at home? Just get a plant!

And instead of painting cell towers on the highway green to LOOK like pine trees, your cell tower could actually BE a pine tree!

Pretty awesome, right?!

For now, we just have super photosynthetic plants. They’re like the Superman of the plant world. They absorb the sun for more power.

Wait…did we just create Superman?! This might sound crazy, but just listen for a second.

If these plants start growing stronger and absorbing more light, they could eventually evolve into a super creature. Then it turns out that Earth is really Krypton where the plants evolve into people! After the planet explodes, Superman is sent back in time and lands on Earth which is really just an early Krypton with his relatives just getting their first nanotubes into their chloroplasts!

Wow. I just blew your stomata for a loop, didn’t I.

Next time you’re about to mow the lawn or trim a tree, maybe you should think about the future. A future without Superman. Is that what you really want?

I didn’t think so. Unless you're Lex Luthor.

I’m off to absorb 30% more light.

Enjoy Everything.


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