Wednesday, March 28, 2012

make way for meatballs

There is a truck in my yard.

Well...I don't really have a yard. I live in an apartment. But there are woods behind my complex. On the edge of those woods is a truck that looks like it got hit by a giant meatball.

Or another car. Whichever.

Now, I'm not sure if somebody around me actually OWNS this truck. Or if the meatball hit it and dragged it to my apartment. Or if the drivers wanted to stash it in the woods but couldn't get it past the trees.

You should always watch out for trees and meatballs. I learned to avoid trees and meatballs at ages 4 and 12 respectively. And to watch out for both simultaneously at age 19.

Whatever happened, it is there now. I'm not sure if I should call an authoritative figure or just let it chill out. Perhaps I should call James Cameron. He likes exploring.

He could make a movie called "Trucktanic: Make Way For Meatballs!"

I think it would work best in 3-D. Because it would look like the meatballs are coming RIGHT AT YOU!

"The meatball is coming! Do not let go of my hand!"

That's some powerful stuff. I'll send it to James. I hope he can get mail in the ocean.

I'm off to truck it.

Enjoy Everything.


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