Wednesday, July 11, 2012

taste a lot of stuff

My grapes come in a bag. The bag says "Taste the sunshine flavor!"

And you know what?! They DO taste like sunshine! I have no reference point for the actual taste of sunshine, but I trust plastic bags. Has a plastic bag ever lied to you? No.

I enjoy tastes of things. Like rainbows. Skittles found out what a rainbow tastes like and put it into a chewy droplet that I love.

Wanna know what I do now? Are you sure you can handle it? I fill a bowl with grapes and Skittles! Now I eat sunshine and rainbows for breakfast, lunch, dinner AND brunch!

Yes! You read that correctly! Sunshine and rainbows!

You: "What are you eating?"


You: "Are you sure? It looks like a bowl of grapes...with...are those Skittles in there?"


You: "You're beginning to scare me."

Me: "And you are beginning to kill my sunshine and rainbow buzz!"

You: "Sorry...I'll leave."


So that was my day so far. I hope you're just as sunshiny and rainbowy. Bowey? Bowie? You get the point.

I'm off to dance in the street.

Enjoy Everything.


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