Wednesday, February 27, 2013

don't eat sharks

There was a story out about the Velvet Belly Lantern Shark. Even though it is the most romantically named shark, it's probably not one you want to cuddle with.

Okay, you probably don't ever want to cuddle with sharks. If you ARE a shark-cuddler, watch out for this one!

The story was talking about their bioluminescence. They wanted to find out why they glow on the top AND on the bottom. The bottom is probably to look like light hitting the water so predators from below don't know that there's a shark above them.

The lights on top are part of spikes! YES! SPIKES! They have these little spiny things poking out of them that glow!

Let me tell you how scary this is: Imagine Wolverine. He has claws that come out of his hands. Now imagine it is night and Wolverine is coming after you. Normally, you wouldn't see that coming, so you can't panic until it's too late.

NOW, imagine that his claws glow! All you see coming at you are glowing claws and you have to just watch as your demise approaches. Like a death-rave. SNIKT!

That is what these sharks are saying! "You want my velvety belly? Come and get it! But see how good it feels to swallow my glowing thorns, fool!"

Life lesson: Swallowing thorns is not pleasant. At any point in the process.

Life wish: I really wish humans had bioluminescence. I would like to glow. From my claws!


I'm off to pretend I'm Wolverine.

Enjoy Everything.


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