Wednesday, March 6, 2013

don't put your eyes there

Science be crazy! I love science. All kinds of science. Science is totally on my list of "28 Things Of My Favoritest Things Ever."

It might actually be on the list multiple times. I can't remember more than 11 things at a time, so 12-28 are kinda hazy right now.

I should really write things down.

Tufts University is trying to treat blindness. I know! It sounds super innocent when I say that! But then I find out how! They got some tadpoles. Grafted eyes to their torsos and tails. Then removed the original eyes. Then wanted to see who could see!

Turns out, eyeballs on your tails can work! The brain is amazing. It figured out that there was vision stuff coming from a different spot. And now these tadpoles see. From their tails.

Granted, this shows how incredible our brains and bodies are. But I don't think the tadpoles are as excited about it.

Actually, the four-headed worms and six-legged frogs might not be too happy, either.

Ok...the six-legged frogs are totally cool with it. Think of the jumping height they could get! Frogs love jumpings!

What if these tadpoles decide to fight back! One day, giant tadpoles could invade the planet and see what we've been doing to their tiny tadpole cousins. Do you know what they'll do?! Do you know where they're going to graft your eyes?!

Think about that, Tufts! Next time you feel like getting all mad scientisty, remember what happens when giant tadpoles from another dimension come by for a visit! You won't be able to sit down to watch TV anymore!

I'm off to treat tadpoles with love and respect. Just in case.

Enjoy Everything.


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