Wednesday, April 24, 2013

the seas they are a-changin'

There's some issue with carbon dioxide. Like, we have lot of it. And it's causing all sorts of crazy changes in the ocean.

Science is always wondering, "Will changes in the atmosphere create giant sea creatures that will attack the humans and take over the world? And will they be led by Aquaman or Namor? Or Poseidon?"

At least, that's what I hear Science asking all the time. You might not, but you would if you hung out with Science like I do! We went to the park the other day and that was the question Science asked all day! That and, "How come you're so awesome?"

Science can't answer that question, but they CAN answer the first one! By testing things! FOR SCIENCE!

It turns out crabs will evolve into GIANT CRABS because of the increased carbon dioxide! Being giants, they will be hungry and eat all the oysters.

Then they'll probably eat people. Because peoples are kinda like oysters. Especially the peoples who wear pearls (ladies)!

ALSO! After watching the purple (one of my favoritest colors and the color of my new belt...but don't get me started on belts) sea urchin eat more carbon dioxide, Science found out it can totally mutate into...a purple sea urchin THAT COULD TOLERATE HIGHER CARBON DIOXIDE LEVELS.

How scary is that?!

Not scared yet? Try THIS nugget of facting on for size: purple sea urchins hang out with sea otters a lot. Can you imagine a group of angry purple sea urchins getting mad and asking their sea otter friends to attack all the humans left without pearls?!

It would be the cutest attack in history!

Then the sea otters and crabs would fight for world domination!

I hope the sea otters win. And that the purple sea urchins like me. Because I like purple. So don't eat me.

I'm off to check my carbon dioxide.

Enjoy Everything.


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