Monday, September 9, 2013

moon dust

Remember when we were talking about moon water? Feels like it was just last week, huh? (It was.) Well guess what! There’s even MORE MOON stuff going on! It's getting dusty in here!

We just sent a new probe to the moon! Because we can’t figure out why it’s reflecting sunlight. Like, when we have cool effects at sunrise and sunset. The moon shouldn’t be able to do that. It’s lacking the atmosphere. But it could be because the moon is so dusty.

It’s like a lamp turning on even though it’s not plugged in. Shouldn’t be doing it, but it is!

Happens to me all the time. And I keep sending probes onto the lamp’s surface to find out what’s happening. I have no definitive answer so far, but I have 87 theories. Most of them involve elves. Three of them involve dust.

There is this kinda-sorta atmosphere around the moon. It’s barely there. But it does contain potassium and sodium! Two of my favorite elements! Potassium, because I love bananas. Sodium, because I hate getting attacked by Horrors at Party Beach. (Somebody might get that.)

What interests me, though, is that they used refurbished ICBMs to send this probe up. Yes. Intercontinental ballistic missiles. Well, not the missiles themselves, but their motors.

STILL! Is it safe to use refurb missiles?! I mean, seriously?! I’ve heard some pretty bad stories from people who buy refurb phones. But phones don’t ballisticate different continents!

It’s like an Interplanetary ballistic motor! Well, the moon isn’t quite a planet. But close enough.

Also, not to scare you, but we DO have an agreement with Russia to allow us to launch refurbished ICBMs. Because...I guess this happens all the time? What else are we refurbishing? And can I get any of it cheap online?

I’m off to dust the moon.

Enjoy Everything.


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