Tuesday, September 3, 2013

moon water

Thirsty on the moon? Don’t worry! There’s plenty of water there!

At least, they THINK there is. India has a moon probe orbiting the moon. Obviously. It would be odd if a moon probe was orbiting Home Depot. That's what the Home Depot probe is for.

Luckily, this moon probe found magmatic water! I have no idea what that is, but it SOUNDS like it’s water that comes up with a volcanic eruption!

A water volcano sounds totally awesome. Why don’t they have those at water parks? You could enter from the bottom of the mountain and then it shoots you through the top with water and lava!

That would be the coolest and lava-iest ride ever! The wait time for an active volcano might be long...but worth it.

If there is magmatic water, then moon water is real and we could totally have a water park at Vallis Planck!

This discovery could mean there are a bunch of moon people living underground.

Well, maybe more like moon merpeople. Because they live in the water. Like, Ariel…on the moon.

Though, in space, no one can hear you sing. I guess that works for her, since she gave up her voice, anyway!

And the only way to get it back is if she finds Astronaut Eric! Because he can bring air so she CAN sing!

Then all the moon (and Home Depot) probes would sing “Part Of Your Moon!”

I’m off to get magmatic under the moon-sea.

Enjoy Everything.


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