Tuesday, April 10, 2012

cuddly little tyrannosaurus

Scientists have found that the T. Rex may have been the cuddliest of all the dinosaurs!

I always KNEW they were fuzzy little love-snugglers!

They found some tyrannosaur fossils that show "fluffy down" remains on its skin! One scientist even says that it would be like "long, thick fur."

So having a pet tyrannosaurus is almost, kinda just like having a fluffy dog! Or a baby chick! Probably just like a fuzzy, cutie baby chick!

Or a bunny! A swumbly, cuddly-wuddly bunny! Like a baby easter bunny! Even a funzy, bubbly-tubbly wester bunny!

OH! I saw the Easter Bunny. Or, one of the bunny helpers. It was hopping along the road. I guess it was delivering goodies to children.

That, or running to cuddle with a tyrannosaurus! Because, you know, they're super fuzzy!

So the next time you are looking for a pet at the shelter, look in the tyrannosaur section first. They might be big, but that's just more to snuggle with!

And the more you snuggle, the more fun you have!

At least that's why my tyrannosaurus told me. And I believe everything he says. Because he has huge teeth.

And a huuuuuuge heart of fuzzy warmth!

I'm off to hug a dino.

Enjoy Everything.


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