Tuesday, June 25, 2013

supertrain to the rescue

Before I get to my Supertrain, I have to tell you about my trip to DC! Not the whole thing because that would probably bore you. Only parts that are VERY, VERY IMPORTANT.

For example, the National Museum of Natural History and the National Air and Space Museum are totally awesome. You should visit them a lot.

Inside the Air and Space Museum is a small TV in one corner of a room. On this TV is a video on a loop. Recorded on this video is "Scott Hamilton Skates the Universe."

It is Scott Hamilton doing his skating of figures through stars and galaxies and suns and stuff. It is completely real.

I have no words to describe it. Eric Idle sings the "Galaxy Song" on it, too. I leave it to your imagination how amazing it is.

ALSO! I got a library card for the  Library of Congress! I can officially take out a member of Congress for up to two weeks and return them when I'm done! If I'm late, it's a $100 trillion fine every day after.

And finally...approximately as powerful as a locomotive, and not quite faster than (more like the same speed as) a locomotive, and able to get around buildings if there is track on the ground...it's SUPERTRAIN!

On the trip home, the train had to rescue another train! I guess a train going to Boston broke. My Hartford train heard the call and quickly came to rescue the Boston train.

This was a train-to-train transfer. We parked right next to the other train, put down a little bridge between the doors and people had to get on the Hartford train!

Then, Supertrain quickly got everybody to safety. Hooray Train of Steel!

That was my trip. You should do the exact same thing for your vacation.

I'm off to skate the universe with a member of Congress. And Scott Hamilton.

Enjoy Everything.


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