Wednesday, January 29, 2014

master of dreamland

Do you ever wish you could control everything you do in your dreams? Of course you do! Everybody wants that!

Well, a company in California says they figured out how you can with a special headband that you wear on your head. Unlike the headbands I wear on my knees.

This headband keeps track of you while you are sleeping. Like your brainwaves and when you’re in REM sleep and stuff.

When you are in a deep sleep and dreaming, it creates lights and sounds that will make you aware that you are dreaming without waking you up. Then, when you know you are dreaming, you do whatever you want in your dreams!

What would you do in your dreams? There are so many choices! I mean, theoretically, we dream every night. So you could do something different EVERY SINGLE DAY.

One day you could be a princess stuck in a western movie and you have to save the town from an evil group of hedgehog outlaws.

I know. Hedgehogs in little cowboy hats is one of the most adorable things I can think of, too. I might dream of that for a few nights just for fun.

After that, you could dream that you’re a rhino space adventurer! You have a huge rocket ship that lets you go to different planets in search of magical treasures hidden by evil pirate waffles!

Then you could dream that you’re sitting on a bench drinking coffee and reading a book on a warm day in Paris!

Well, they don’t ALL have to be so crazy. It might be nice to relax for a night.

I totally want this. As long as it’s not like Inception. Because I’m pretty sure bad stuff happened in those dreams.

I’m off to check my totem.

Enjoy Everything.


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