Friday, September 21, 2012

more candy corn goo

I did it. I bought the Oreo cookies that have a candy corn creme filling. I bet you didn't know that you could actually make a creme that tasted like candy corns. Well Oreo did it!

After only 100 years of research, the Oreo creme chefs have figured out the proper combination of sugar and artificial flavor to make a cookie with an orange and yellow filling that tastes like candy corn!

And again, as stated in an earlier entry, I don't really like candy corn. But I must say, again, that making a good food taste LIKE candy corn makes it taste good!

I don't understand HOW this happens, but it does. Consistently. I think the candy corn company should just stop making little hard nubbies of yuckiness and sell their flavor to every other food product.

Like a candy corn Hot Pocket!

Maybe you could make a candy corn flavor for Lysol spray! You can't eat it, though. You can only kill germs with it. Candy cornish germs.

Do they make a candy corn coffee???  If not, they should! Forget that pumpkin spice! That's so last Halloween!

What about a candy corn vegetable dip?! What's better with celery than a glob of candy corn goo hanging off the end!

NOTHING. That's what.

I know what you're thinking. "Why don't you go into the food making business and make millions of dollars with your brilliant candy corn ideas?"

I will answer that question with a holiday: Bastille Day.

I'm off to flavor my coffee.

Enjoy Everything.


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