Wednesday, March 20, 2013

snails have teeth

Well that's something I didn't know! Did you? Did you also not know that snail teeth could make it easier to get a Prius?

They can! People who don't like running love to study snails. David Kisailus (who may or may not love to run) studies the gumboot chiton snail. Turns out this snail has a "conveyor belt-like arrangement of teeth." Which sounds totally scary, but isn't really.

Unless these snails eat some radioactive goo and grow huge. Then the conveyor belt of teeth will probably eat everything in the world. It would be impossible to fight this 50-foot snail because it will also have a shell. Let's hope they are peaceful snails of doom.

After a lot of big science words like ferrihydrite and nanocrystalline, the conveyor belt of teeth is kinda similar to the way we make lithium-ion batteries! Like for your phone or hybrid vehicle!

AND it does it at room temperature! Which sounds boring at first, but actually saves money on energy and cost! Making it cheaper to give you more phones and hybrid vehicles!

All of this snail/car talk reminds me of a joke I love. My brother told this to me once and I never forgot it. Partly because I did not get the joke at the time. Because I'm not too bright. When I did get the joke years later, I laughed for 3 days, 4 hours, and 28 minutes. Here is the joke that I hope gives you just as much enjoyment, if not more.

A snail goes to a car store. The car salesman shows the snail many cars. The snail says, "I'll take this car, but only if you paint a giant "S" on the side of it."

The car salesman says, "We can do that. May I ask why?"

The snail says, "Because when I drive down the street, I want everybody to shout, 'look at that S Car Go!'"


So funny! Hold on...I need a moment to catch my breath! Whew! Makes me laugh every time!

I'm off to paint an "S" on my car. You can guess why.

Enjoy Everything.


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