Thursday, April 11, 2013

the dance knight

I had a dream! That I remembered! I rarely remember dreams, but I'm SO glad I remembered this one!

It was about the next Batman movie. If it's anything like the dream I had, it's going to be awesome!

First, Batman was pregnant. I don't know how he got pregnant, but he's Batman and he can pretty much do anything.

Luckily, Robin was doing the Batman thing while Batman was pregnant. So Gotham was safe.

Also, Han Solo was there. He didn't do much. He was actually talking about the proper boots for carrying a blaster. Because he's fashionable and deadly.

OH! THEN! The dance sequence! This was the really weird part. I don't think the original Batman was pregnant when this happened. But maybe he was. It's kinda fuzzy.

Robin was in his Batman costume. Original Batman was also in his Batman costume. Then they danced. Very fun, broadway/jazz dancing. I THINK original Batman wanted to show that he could still be Batman.

Because, you know, Batman needs to know how to dance. To distract his enemies. Before he totally goes Batman on them and breaks bones and tracheae and stuff.

That's all I can remember from my dream about Batman Four: The Dance Knight Rises.

That's just a working title. But I think it fits. And it's my dream, so...yeah.

I'm off to talk with Christopher Nolan.

Enjoy Everything.


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