Monday, July 2, 2012

more wheels for more fun

When the weather gets warmer, you see a lot of people out on their motorcycles. They're like a bicycle with a motor. 

Two wheels. One in the front. One in the back.

But lately, I've seen a lot more motor-tricycles on the road. And they are awesome! Who didn't love riding a tricycle when they were a kid?! They're so much fun!

Imagine that fun with a motor! IT'S A MOTORTRIKE!

Not only that, but imagine the stability that comes from having two wheels in the back! I mean, my car has two wheels in the back and I never flip over!

I remember making vroom vroom noises on my trike. Now I don't have to! The motortrike takes care of that for me!

And they are actually called motortrikes! Which makes them even COOLER!

I just wanted to make sure you knew about these things. You should also buy one. Or two. So you can give one to me. I miss my tricycle and I don't think I can fit on the little ones these days.

But a big motortrike? I can ride that like the three-wheeled wind! VROOOOOOOOM!

And it's easier to transport pie in them. Because there's more room in the back. And I like transporting pie.

Still doesn't help me sneak pie into the movie theater. That's a tough one.

I'm off to vroom my pie.

Enjoy Everything.


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