Wednesday, September 26, 2012

politi-call me maybe

Okay, that title is genius. I'm willing to admit that. I feel very proud of it. would be really even much funnierer if it was about getting calls on your phone-receiving mobile device.

It's not. I just thought it was a funny title. BUT! I am talking about politics a little bit.

Don't run away! I'm not actually talking about anything interesting! Don't worry!

So, I see these signs on people yards. With names on them. They say things like, "Vote For President Person! For America And Stuff!" Or something like that. I don't actually pay attention.

But see, those signs can't do anything to sway me! What's the point of them?! I mean, does anybody drive by a sign with a name on it and think, "WOW! Look at that beautiful lawn! So green and lush and pyhlled (get it?) with chloro! Lawns like that love Romney? Huh...I should vote for Romney!"

Or perhaps, "Those garden gnomes and pink flamingos clearly love Obama. I have been known to agree with gnomes AND flamingos on many of my political ideals. Clearly I need to change my vote to Obama!"

Now, admittedly, I have been known to be swayed by green lawns and pink flamingos. But garden gnomes? Really?

I never agree with silent letters. I always feel like they're hiding something.

I'm off to put a sign on my yard. (That's a joke. I don't have a yard.)

Enjoy Everything.


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