Friday, November 9, 2012

surgery and football

Scientists in Great Britain have created the future for you! TODAY!

They are working on robots that can speak 20 languages, play football, AND perform surgery! (Since it is in Great Britain, I imagine that they mean international football/american soccer. But as far as I know, they're basically the same thing with different scoring rules.)

Soon, you'll be able to watch them play football/soccer while replacing a heart and ALSO take customer service calls from one of twenty different languaged locations!

Luckily, they haven't created robots that know how to ninja or wizard you. But we should be careful JUST IN CASE.

See, soccer/football is a gateway sport. It often leads to ninja.

Also, little known fact, surgerying is a gateway activity to wizarding/witchcrafting!

And an even lesser known fact, knowing how to speak 20 languages is a gateway skill to learning 21 languages!

If you have a robot that knows ninja and wizard and 21 languages, you have a recipe for disaster!

Or tim tams. I can never remember which.

I hope it's the tim tams. Otherwise, we're doomed.

I could go for a tim tam right now.

If I could only make it past the ninja/witch/robot yelling at me in another language.

I'm off to find a gateway robot.

Enjoy Everything.


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