Wednesday, March 5, 2014

the continents

I saw something in the news the other day about Africa. I can’t remember what the news was, but I started saying the word “Africa” over and over again.

Sometimes, when I find a fun word, I will say it a LOT for a few hours/days. This is one of the many reasons I’m not allowed out in public.

I started wondering where the name came from. And not just Africa, but ALL the continents. I mean, was something just picked and everybody agreed?

The answer is yes. The names are mostly Latin and Greek. They would randomly describe chunks of land and those descriptions eventually spread around larger areas of land until it basically became the continent!

The stories are actually pretty interesting, so you should look them up. It would take me Too Long to describe them, but it IS very educational!

Guess what else is educational! Finding out there’s some place called “Oceania!” I guess it’s actually considered a continent? Sorta? It includes Australia and a bunch of islands. So, it’s like “Australia and Friends.”

I don’t know if I paid attention in school (I didn’t), but I feel like I should have heard about this!

And if that can be a continent, why isn’t the Arctic a continent? Antarctica is! Why not make it “Arctica?" Is it not “landy” enough?

Oh…I just looked it up online. I guess it isn’t “landy” at all. Just ice. So maybe land is a requirement.

But still, Oceania has a ton of water! How come that kinda counts?!

Whoever created the Earth certainly did NOT get a GARP degree. (YES! I know what that is. I knew the one person at my college getting a degree in Geography and Regional Planning. Though, I don’t know if I would have trusted her to plan out the Earth.)

I’m off to garp. GARP!

Enjoy Everything.


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