Tuesday, February 28, 2012

always make it bigger

If I've said it once, I've said it 3.141592653589793... times! If candy is good, BIGGER candy is better!

It's simple math. If Domingo has a Twix bar and Sunshine has a BIGGER Twix bar, how much more awesomer is Sunshine?


I bring this up because Williams-Sonoma has something amazing. I don't know who Williams-Sonoma is, but he or she must be some kind of Willy-Wonka-style wizard or witch who can make candy bigger.

There is a giant peanut butter cup on their website! It's, like, the size of a big pie! (get it? pie/pi? from earlier?) How cool is that?! It's two layers of chocolate cake with peanut butter in the middle of them. THEN it is covered with a chocolate shell!

Not hard like a turtle shell. Hard enough to hold in cake, but soft enough to eat.

And you can buy it!

The website SAYS that it serves 10. But I'm pretty sure that means 1. Or maybe, on a good day, 3.14 people.

I would love to have a giant DOT. Like, big enough for me to eat into and live inside. That would be cool.

I bet ants feel like that. Not bear ants, but regular ants.

I wish I could be an ant. Not a bear ant, a regular ant.

I'm off to make it bigger.

Enjoy Everything.


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