Thursday, March 1, 2012

edge of dreamy

It's always a treat when I remember my dreams. And this one was full of gifts!

So I'm sitting in a bar with Lady Gaga and Katy Perry and we're just hanging out. They seemed pretty cool. I mean, they were hanging out with me, so they MUST be cool!

For some reason, each one of them got me a gift. I like to think the reason was that they thought I was so awesome that I constantly deserve gifts, but it's more likely they felt guilty for missing my birthday for the last 7 years.

I can only remember one of the gifts, but it was great. It was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles book!

I can't remember if it was Gaga or Katy who gave it to me, but I will thank them both just in case.

In real life (irl) I have never actually met either one of them. But if they are anything like my dream versions of them, they are very nice ladies and you should let them know that I liked the gifts they got me.

Actually, if you do ever meet them, tell them that. See if they remember being in my dream. That would be so cool if they did!

It would also be cool if I did a duet with Gaga and Katy. Or a triet? Triplet? Whatever you would call it, it would be cool.

I would sing the guy parts.

I'm off to do vocal exercises.

Enjoy Everything.


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