Friday, May 25, 2012

light the way to the bathroom

I wouldn't say I'm afraid of the dark, but when it's dark, I get afraid. Thank goodness for my night lights! They're so helpful!

But! I might not have the perfect night light path. I live in a pretty small apartment, but it's still hard to walk around at night since I have so much junk.

I also have three different night lights. Each is a different size and shape and brightness.

I COULD buy more, but I don't have any money in the Night Light Slush Fund. I had to take all the money from the Night Light Jar and put it into the Comic Book Slush Fund Jar and the Food Slush Fund Jar and the Slushie Slush Fund Jar. Slush is fun to say.

Those jars are also empty. Slush empty.

Now I'm trying to figure out the PERFECT location for each night light. See, if I put the bright one in the bathroom, I can REALLY SEE the sink from far away!

Unfortunately, the trail TO the sink is darkish. But if I put the bright one in the middle of the path to the sink, the bathroom is dark.

And don't get me started on the medium light. I have no idea where to put that.

To make things even MORE complicated, the medium light has color options. Green and blue. I keep switching it to see if one is brighter than the other.

I think green is slightly brighter. But it might be the blue option.

Luckily, when I spend hours at night trying to figure this out, I don't feel crazy.

That only happens when I talk about after.

Hows abouts we ignore this whole conversation and talk about something else like ponies or sorbet or yarn. Those are all not-crazy topics.

I'm off to change the subject.

Enjoy Everything.


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