Monday, June 25, 2012

i shoot lightning from my hands

Well...maybe I don't. I'm not, like, a Sith Lord or anything. THEY do that all evilly. I would NEVER shoot lightning for evil. Only at evil.

The U.S. Army has a lab. A lab where they are creating a Lightning Laser! Like Thor's Hammer! Or a Sith's hands! But in laser form!

How cool would it be to just shoot lightning out of a gun?! Scientists have figured out how to create an energized plasma channel in the air! And SHAZAM! (Comic book lightning reference. Look it up and you'll laugh) You're hit by lightning!

According to the scientists, "We never get tired of the lightning bolts zapping our simulated (targets)."

Now THAT is what I call science!

Scientist One: "What should we do today?"

Scientist Two: "How about we shoot lightning at stuffs?"

Scientist One: "Didn't we do that yesterday? Aren't you bored of that?"

Scientist Two: (Puzzled look) "???"

Scientist One: "GAH! Got ya! I'm just messin' with ya! OF COURSE we'll shoot lightning! That's what scientists do! HAHA! You should have seen the look on your face!"

Scientist Two: "HA! You totally got me! I thought we were going to have to shoot lightning at you after that comment! HA HA!"

Scientist One: "...wait...what?"

Scientist Two: "...nothing...let's go shoot lightning at stuff..."

And THAT is how science works. So kids, you should grow up to be a scientist. It's awesome. And full of lightning.

I'm off to make a plasma channel.

Enjoy Everything.


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