Wednesday, June 27, 2012

speaking of science...

I miss old science. I always hear stories about scientists just "trying" things to see how it works. Seriously. Scientists be crazy! 

This guy, William Mitchell, was a chemist in 1956. He wanted to make "instant carbonated soda" by just adding water. Because, you know, when you're stranded in a desert and you need to stay alive, it would be lovely if you could find an oasis to enjoy a cool, crisp, bubbly beverage.

William, Dr. Mitchell if you're nasty, set a trap. Carbon dioxide is elusive, but a sucker for a good plant. Willy put a bunch of plants under a net. The carbon dioxide couldn't resist the lure of photosynthesis. When it came in the room...BAM! He dropped the net and got some carbon dioxide!

Once it was trapped, he put it in some hard candy tablets.

One afternoon he was experimenting with these tablets. During this time, he decided to experiment with them BY PUTTING THEM IN HIS MOUTH!

Because, you know, it's not weird or dangerous to do that with stuff you're experimenting with.

And by "not weird or dangerous" I mean TOTALLY INSANE!

Do you remember what happened to Dr. Filisper during the Manhattan Project? Probably not, because they don't like to talk about it. He was another "test it by tasting" kinda guy.

He didn't last too long.

So what have we learned today? You can trap carbon dioxide with a net!

Frankie's known that for years. (REALLY, REALLY dated joke! Ask your grandparents. They'll think it's funny.)

Dr. Mitchell was okay, though. He invented Pop Rocks instead of "instant soda."

I'm off to taste test.

Enjoy Everything.


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