Thursday, September 13, 2012

all that candy cornery

It's almost Halloween! The best holiday ever! Because it's all about candy!!!

Unfortunately, there is this stuff called "candy corn" that I've never actually liked. You would THINK it was awesome. Corn is good. Candy is good. Candy Corn SHOULD be amazing!

It is not. didn't USED to be. NOW it is! Because it has inspired other (good) candies to have a corn flavor! And those are good! It's so weird, but it feels so good!

Like Candy Corn DOTS! Now, I know what you're thinking, "All DOTS taste the same, don't they?"

Yes. Yes, they do. And every single color is wonderful. Including candy corn color.

M&Ms also made a Candy Corn candy-coated treat. This has white chocolate inside the coating made of candy. I actually don't like white chocolate too much.

And, if you remember from earlier, I don't really like candy corn.

BUT! When you put a hard shell over white chocolate and claim that it has natural and artificial candy corn flavor? It tastes good!

It's shocking! There are wonders in this world. And most of them are made from sugar.

Thank goodness for that. It would be a shame if the closest thing to a "wonder" we had was made out of turnips. That would ruin my day.

Though...add a candy coating and we might have something. Hmmm...

I'm off to coat my turnip DOTS with a shell.

Enjoy Everything!


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