Monday, December 31, 2012

whatever again

Every year people get asked about what annoys them. Because we LOVE to complain about stuff! I certainly do! I do it all the time!

Am I the only one who finds it odd that the entire world is not made to be user-friendly exclusively to me?

No. I am not.

So this year, somebody asked people what words they hate the most. And topping the "whatever."

For FOUR years it has been on the top of the list! Isn't it time we got used to it? It's a perfectly good word. That's right! I'm going to defend it! "Whatever" has lawyered up! And that lawyering is done by me! Because I know all about lawys. It is lawys, right?

One who gardens is a gardener. So one who lawys is a lawyer!

I knew I'd get that one right! I'm the best lawyerer ever!

I just have to pass the bar. That's easy. There's a bar down the street from me that I pass on my way to work every day. I've passed the bar, like, hundreds of times!

Golly...this lawyer stuff is easy. I don't know why people make such a big deal about it.

Oops. "Like" is also another word that annoys people. Well, I'll defend that one too! Because I'm the Defender! The Lawyer Defender!

You know what words I find annoying? None of them! I love all words! I'm a lexophile!

And you should be too.

I'm off to love words.

Enjoy Everything.


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