Monday, March 4, 2013

going on a sea quest dsv

I don't know why the government is so huffy about going on a sea quest. Okay...I can...there were a LOT of issues on that Deep Submergence Vehicle (DSV).

But think of all the amazing creatures we'll find when we finally get the sea quest going!

Like the first images of the Fur Lows! We don't have any official pictures of them yet! At least, I can't find anything about them on Wikipedia. But I imagine that their fur is so low because it's wet all the time. Because of the sea being all watery.

Also, we can colonize all the cool places underwater! I mean, shouldn't we done colonizing the ocean by now? The United Earth Oceans Organization needs to be created by 2017 and that deadline is coming up fast!

We know what movies are coming out in 2017! Shouldn't we already have a DSV!

Okay...I know this is only (sorta) funny to people who were fans of seaQuest DSV in the early 90s. But seriously, I keep thinking about that show when they talk about the government's sequestration.

Actually, if you want me to be totally honest, I think of it as a combination of seaQuest AND Equestrians.

So I imagine a Deep Submergence Vehicle piloted by horses. Plagued by bad ratings because your competition is Murder, She Wrote.

That last part I only started imagining because I was wondering why the show went off the air. But it makes the "monster of the week" they fight more hilariouser when it's Angela Lansbury.

OH! I should pitch that as a show! seQuestration DSV 2032! Each week a group of horses explore the depths of the ocean and fight monsters only to find that the underwater world is controlled by an evil Atlantean queen PLAYED BY Angela Lansbury!

Special guest star: Aquaman!

Sometimes I have no idea I'm going to have a great idea. Then it just happens.

I'm off to Quest the sea.

Enjoy Everything.


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